30 November 2010

My First Portrait Photography

My first experimental portrait photography with my childhood friend Abigail taken last February 21, 2010 at my brother's room.

The tools and materials used were things available around the house like lamp shade for lighting, black cartolina paper and aluminum foil as reflectors, black cloth as background, my black graduation gown for Abi's glam pose, and my father's 20 year old tripod.

The next four pictures are my favorites, however they are blurred.  That's the time when the lens focus is starting to fail and I'm not aware of it (maybe because I have a poor eyesight and still I used MF) until the photoshoot was done.  Thanks to Canon Service Center, my camera's back to normal.

I still need to improve on lighting and work on framing and angles.  Maybe I'll borrow another lamp shade next time.

Thanks to my bro for helping me set-up the improvised "studio", to my assistant Aye for holding the aluminum foil, and to Abi for lending us her time.
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