Our Photo Sessions

If you are a dog lover, a true dog lover, and not just one who sees them as pets or animals, but are instead one who sees them as one's dear companions, and more than companions-sees them perhaps being but a step or two down the species ladder from humankind, not sharing human exceptionalism but not an abyss below it, either-you watch them differently from the way other people watch them, with a respect for their born dignity, with a recognition of their capacity to know joy and to suffer melancholy, with the certainty that they suspect the tyranny of time even if they don't fully understand the cruelty of it, that they are not, as self-blinded experts contend, unaware of their own mortality.

- The Darkest Evening of the Year, Dean Koontz

Strike a pose!

My first dog, Blackie

Kulit, the "Grandmother" :)

Georgie, daughter of Kulit

Kukay, daughter of Georgie


Mika - adopted Dalmatian; Bunsoy - Kukay's daughter

Kukay's babies Kiwi and Shine!

Kiwi's laser eyes :)

Shine & Kiwi dancing Cha-cha

Shine hug attack!

Queen Cleopatra & Queen Shine

 The almighty pose

Shine scrubbing the floor with a brush

Kisses from Shine

B2 a.k.a. Poknat

Kiwi ala photobooth :)

and more to come...
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